


pix.ink 片绘社区是融合了最新AI绘画功能和交流分享功能的综合性AI绘画网站,包括绘画模型的分享/下载专区,全年不间断,奖励丰富的创作活动,以及一大批热爱...

Midjourney 高达 机器人 gundam prompt

prompt gundam wings, white monster, by gundam wings by kaeo, in the style of conceptual digital art, frostpunk, nikon af600, multi-layered figures,...

Midjourney 赛博女战士 cyberpunk warrior prompt

prompt full body cyborg, full-length portrait, detailed face, symmetric, steampunk, cyberpunk, cyborg, intricate detailed, to scale, hyperrealistic...

Midjourney 暗黑女王 prompt

prompt A majestic queen dressed in a regal, jeweled gown and ornate crown, her golden hair cascading down her back, addressing her loyal subjects f...

midjourney 香水设计&商业摄影 | midjourney perfume design & top advertising

prompt perfume surrounded by flowers, top advertising, luxury, professional light, high resolution, high quality, photography, pure background, --v 5

Midjourney产品logo设计 | Midjourney Logo Design Prompts

用midjourney来生成logo是目前流行的一种玩法,   示例 | example (含prompt提示词, including prompts)

绘画教程 | 初学者上手Stable Diffusion,简单就能画出大片

做了一期视频, 请移步bilibili 【初学者上手Stable Diffusion,简单就能画出大片】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16V4y1X7Xm/?share_source=copy_web...

模型下载 | dalcefo_tally | free model download

模型名称 | model info 模型名称:dalcefo_tally model name:dalcefo_tally type:checkpoint   由于有很多小伙伴找不到目前dalcefo大佬的模型下载...

prompt分享 | TIFA 春日赏樱

最近到了樱花季了,想到之前最火的一期是TIFA的图, 突然有了这个'TIFA × 樱花'专题的想法。 试了一下,最有意境的组合是 底模:dalcefoPainting v3 L...
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