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模型名称 | model info 模型名称:dalcefoBm9V2 model name:dalcefoBm9V2 type:checkpoint   下载地址 | download link: Content has been hidden...

dalcefo prompt share

使用模型 | Using model: dalcefoBm9V2   模型下载 | Model download here: 样例 | Sample realistic, intricate details, portrait of a girl, purpl...

prompt分享 | dalcefopainting portrait 人像

使用模型下载 model used & model download dalcefo portrait prompt参数(可直接复制到stable diffusion一键自动填充) <(realistic:1.4), (extreme...

dalcefopainting 模型下载 | model download

Because the author has removed the sharing of dalcefopainting's model on Civitai, it has become difficult to find it online. Here, I am sharing sev...