LoRA模型: 拉扯衬衫造型 | LoRA model: Shirt Tug Pose


LORA模型适用于衬衫拉扯的姿势,建议的LORA权重为0.5到1.5, 默认权重1已经足够。


触发词: shirt, naked shirt, shirt tug

LoRA模型: 拉扯衬衫造型 | LoRA model: Shirt Tug Pose

Shirt Tug Pose (LORA)


model info

LORA model for shirt tug pose, suggested LORA weights: 0.5 ~ 1.5, default weight 1 should be good enough.

If the pose doesn't show up for some checkpoints, try greater weights.

Trigger words: shirt, naked shirt, shirt tug

下载地址 | Download Link

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fPj7pPcSgrszUiIrSVtneg?pwd=aigc

提取码: aigc

样例 | examples

LoRA模型: 拉扯衬衫造型 | LoRA model: Shirt Tug Pose

Shirt Tug Pose LORA for stable diffusion

LoRA模型: 拉扯衬衫造型 | LoRA model: Shirt Tug Pose

Shirt Tug Pose LORA for stable diffusion

LoRA模型: 拉扯衬衫造型 | LoRA model: Shirt Tug Pose

Shirt Tug Pose LORA for stable diffusion



版权声明:leitures 发表于 2023年3月27日 pm4:38。
转载请注明:LoRA模型: 拉扯衬衫造型 | LoRA model: Shirt Tug Pose | AI应用导航网
