模型下载 | RefSlave-V2

Stable Diffusion 模型:RefSlave下载

最近用stable diffusion进行ai画画很火,本站整理了部分有趣的模型供大家在国内方便下载。




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模型类型: AIGC AI绘画 Stable Diffusion

这个模型非常适合生成梦幻的卡牌系美少女图片,所用到的关键词我也做了一个示例贴在这边。希望大家下载试试,体验一下。还没有安装 stable diffusion的小伙伴,也可以在本站找到stable diffusion的安装包,我做了一个整合版:STABLE DIFFUSION 整合包下载









➤ Stable-Diffusion Settings

➤ VAE: RefSlave-vae.pt

➤ Clip Skip: 2

➤ Embeddings (Use both of these in your negative prompt)

EasyNegative: Repository

bad_prompt_version2: Repository

Negative prompt: (worst quality, low quality:1.4), EasyNegative , bad_prompt_version2

➤ Generation Parameters

➤ Sampling Method:
  ➣ DPM++ SDE Karras  ➔  Stable Composition, details make more sense.
  ➣ DPM++ 2M Karras  ➔  Dynamic Composition, more distortions, details often don't make sense.

➤ Sampling Steps: 20 ~ 40

➤ Hires. Fix: ON

➤ Upscaler:
  ➣ Latent (nearest-exact)  ➔  Finer details.
  ➣ Latent  ➔  Painterly details.

➤ Hires Steps: 20 ~ 40 (Match with steps)

➤ Denoising Strength: 0.5 ~ 0.55

➤ CFG Scale: 6 ~ 8



((masterpiece:1.2, best quality)), 1girl, solo, (witch hat), blonde hair, long hair, dress, aurora, night, star (sky), gloves, sky, white dress, night sky, open mouth, starry sky, blue eyes, ribbon, very long hair, red dress, smile, hair ribbon, cape, blue hair, (bird), magic, casting spell, dark clouds, night, (art nouveau:1.4), (tarot:1.3), alphonse mucha, ((half body, cowboy shot, waist shot, medium shot)), silver hair, long leg, full body,


EasyNegative, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, (((nude))),

模型下载 | RefSlave-V2

Stable Diffusion模型下载 | 梦幻的少女 RefSlave-V2

模型下载 | RefSlave-V2

Stable Diffusion模型下载 | 梦幻的少女 RefSlave-V2

模型下载 | RefSlave-V2

Stable Diffusion模型下载 | 梦幻的少女 RefSlave-V2

模型下载 | RefSlave-V2

Stable Diffusion模型下载 | 梦幻的少女 RefSlave-V2

模型下载 | RefSlave-V2

Stable Diffusion模型下载 | 梦幻的少女 RefSlave-V2

模型下载 | RefSlave-V2

Stable Diffusion模型下载 | 梦幻的少女 RefSlave-V2

模型下载 | RefSlave-V2

Stable Diffusion模型下载 | 梦幻的少女 RefSlave-V2

模型下载 | RefSlave-V2

Stable Diffusion模型下载 | 梦幻的少女 RefSlave-V2


版权声明:leitures 发表于 2023年3月10日 am10:35。
转载请注明:模型下载 | RefSlave-V2 | AI应用导航网


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