标签:how to

Midjourney prompt: Blue eyes man

prompt a man with blue eyes in the middle of white petals, in the style of realist figure painting, lush and detailed, nicholas hely hutchinson, sa...

LoRA模型:美少女战士 木野真 | Sailor Venus | Sailor Jupiter

美少女战士的LoRA模型, 为了达到不错的效果,推荐搭配以下风格描述词: SMJupiter, SMJupiterOutfit, green sailor collar, green skirt, sailor senshi un...

LoRA模型:美少女战士 水兵月 | Sailor Venus | Sailor Moon

美少女战士的LoRA模型, 为了达到不错的效果,推荐搭配以下风格描述词: venus1, 1girl, solo, sailor senshi uniform, blonde hair, magical girl, blue ey...